(803) 708-7442

After years of experience in business formation, general advising and litigation, Palmetto State Law Group, LLC stands in the gap between the legal and business industries to help you get your new business off the ground or expand.

The concept of “on time and under budget” is foreign to many attorneys, but is critically important to entrepreneurs and existing businesses alike. Most small to medium business entities don't have the time or resources to investigate and monitor their legal advisors to ensure their selection is a wise business investment. With the professionals at Palmetto State Law Group LLC, your partnership will be a smart move.

Rest assured, our experience is that bigger is definitely not better in terms of value or ability. Our attorneys have been associated with both large and small firms, and have successfully prosecuted and defended cases against the largest firms in Columbia, South Carolina. Our intent is always to resolve your case quickly and favorably. If you select the team at Palmetto State Law Group LLC, we will not back down merely because your "David" is going up against their "Goliath."

Our firm mission and daily business mantra is to assure the value of your hard-earned business investment in our legal services is warranted – from the commencement to the closure of your case. With years of business experience (finance, contracts, marketing, accounting, taxation, regulation, procurement, land use and construction, franchising, and much more), we consider ourselves as “a business law practice that helps entrepreneurs with personal legal issues.”

We focus on the risk/reward analysis of your case throughout our representation and work with you to plan, budget, risk mitigate and minimize your potential exposure with attempts to maximize your recovery. At Palmetto State Law Group, you're much more than a potential fee to our firm – serving your needs and goals effectively drives our effort. While we can't control all legal costs associated with our representation, we strive to offer transparency and foster understanding of our fees, costs, and risk assessments so you can make a wise business decision.

We provide sound and reasonable advice in many start-ups, acquisitions, business governance inquiries and much more. With the assistance of your tax advisor, we can also help you select the appropriate entity, whether it is a partnership, LLC, LLP, corporation or joint venture. Further, we can negotiate, draft and resolve contract disputes and business litigation. Based on our knowledge in technology, medical issues, procurement and business, we can assist with many areas in which other law offices may not be prepared: information technology, medical, restaurants, construction, services, senior care, retail, wholesale and many other types of commercial transactions and businesses.

What we feel we can reasonably offer for a flat fee, we will. This fee structure exists so you can budget accordingly. When we can’t offer flat fee service, we will make a good faith estimation of our thoughts and impressions on your risk exposure and potential budget for our representation. If the situation changes, we will provide timely information so you can consider your options. We approach our representation as a part of your business team, with you guiding the way.

If you're ready to schedule a consultation, please click here

Experienced attorneys proudly serving West Columbia, Columbia, Lexington, Irmo and surrounding areas in South Carolina.

Business Law